Our new example is not a demo, if your definition of demo is
"The best example that you have for showing other people" or just "the
best work". It's the result of intermediate tweaking. But it
demonstrates quite interestingly how Vocaloid can be controlled,
producing something like Rap, Spoken Word, gliding, and other funny
things. A reminder: for the example creation there were used special
Modeler PMStyles in special Onyx Arranger version, and these
styles have calculated Velocity, Pitch Wheel, Noise, Gender Factor,
Harmonics and Brightness curves automatically. No manual editing at
To estimate the result yourself you can take the following file in mp3
You_Ask_Me.mp3 [927 KB] (voices and background)
Comments by Alexei Ustinov, CTO Jasmine Music Technology
Now we can proudly say that all Vocaloid parameters have been tweaked
by us in order to find the way to control them, and we are now close
to choosing the concept of Vocaloid control. However, changing just
one parameter at a time we cannot foresee which result will be
achieved with changing several or all parameters simultaneously. This
concerns not just Vocaloid but synthesizers in general. LEON seems to
be capable of almost anything, one just needs the way to control it
(or him? :)
Next week we will make our final decision about Volcoaid control
concept and YV Enhancer development. I am looking forward to getting
from our specialists at least the alpha version of new product, to
gain complete and absolute freedom in controlling all parameters
simultaneously and to avoid these cut and try experiments. This thing
is quite able to sing and I am sure we can demonstrate it. As for now,
I can call none of our examples real Demos - they are merely the
results of experiments.