Style Enhancer 4.0 is not the upgraded version of SE3.0; in fact
the differences are so many that it can be considered as practically new
product. It has enhanced redesigned user interface as well as numerous new
All the differences are just impossible to enumerate. Here is
the list of the basic ones:
Playback through multiple MIDI Outputs
Melody harmonizing
Data generation according to the chord progression
Envelope editing
The use of several MIDI FX, including Modeler, in chain. MIDI FX
chains can be saved for future use
Excellent multi-object visualization and user-friendly editing
of all events, implemented in Piano-Roll view
Possibility to create and save your own SE4.0 project
New MIDI FX: AutoPhraser, Chord Generator, Drum Generator, Line
Generator, Quantizer, Shaper, Time Morpher, Time-Pitch Adjuster
Style Enhancer 4.0 is the sequencer based on Performance
Modeling technology with powerful and intelligent MIDI-data generation and
transformation. SE4.0 has an advanced system of online MIDI FX, including the
unequalled Modeler as well as AutoPhraser, Chord Generator, Controller Adjuster,
Drum Adjuster, Drum Generator, Event Filter, Line Generator, Quantizer, Shaper,
Time Morpher and Time-Pitch Adjuster. Tuned and combined in a chain MIDI FX are
powerful processing tools serving to automate data conversion, be it either the
humanizing of guitar or flute solo played on the keyboard, or generating Club
Synth Pulsation track according to the chord progression.
SE4.0 is provided with intelligent Harmonizer, used in Onyx
Arranger 2.1, allowing to harmonize your melody in various styles and to use the
obtained chords for generating accompaniment with the help of MIDI FX chains.
The availability of Harmonizer makes SE4.0 rather complete MIDI tool for
arranging and composing music in any genres.
All in all, SE4.0 ensures flexible and fine real-time control
and generation of MIDI data, which allows to increase the efficiency of managing
hardware and software synthesizers, obtaining the soundings impossible to
achieve by other means.
SE4.0 is supplied with the library of 100 Performance Modeling
styles (PMStyles) and about 350 additional styles sorted by instruments and
manners are available for extra charge. The program also includes tuned MIDI FX
chains for various musical tasks and a range of necessary demo examples which
allows faster understanding of all SE4.0 possibilities.
Minimum requirements
500 Mhz processor, Windows-compatible sound card, 128 MB RAM, 30
MB hard-disk space for program installation, Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP.
Pricing and Availability
SE4.0 has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of $79
U.S. Full set of PM Styles has a MSRP of $79 ($71 discount off total price for
all separate PMStyles).
SE4.0 with fill set of PMStyles has a MSRP of $150.
Registered SE3.0, SE2.1 and SE1.0 customers can upgrade to Style
Enhancer 4.0 plus all additional PMStyle Sets through Jasmine Music Technology
for $60 (60% discount). Other JMT customers can upgrade to Style Enhancer
4.0 for $55 (30% discount).
For more information, visit us on the web at
www.jasminemusic.com; or call Toll
Free: 888-GET-ONYX (888-438-6699)